Almost like Helsinki

For us, this apartment is in every respect an unforgettable and unique project. Number one, we were desperately reluctant to work on it at first. It was an atrocious apartment in horrible condition, with the walls so thin the whispering (!!!) of the neighbours was distinctly audible, and it had to be approached from the back stairs strangely resembling the ones from horror movies, its flights filthy from the ground to the fourth floor. However, all this belonged to a very composed, collected Finn, who did not at all feel discouraged by the deplorable state of affairs, and we were tempted to adopt his point of view. Number two, that very same composed, collected Finn made us reconsider some of our approaches to designing, which, having at that time 20 years of experience behind, was an interesting sensation. Originally, there were two glazed tile stoves in the apartment, both in terrible condition, unserviceable for many years. We, knowing the sum remount would demand, tried to persuade the client to give them up. However, not only did he not give up on the stoves – he completely renovated them and made them function again, despite the considerable amounts of money it required. As a result, this apartment for a foreigner was rendered truly unique. With the spirit of Finland definitely present.

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