True Minimalism

Even now, looking over the photos of this project, we cannot forget our surprise when the client, living in a very classical, traditional interior, asked us to design an apartment in the style of minimalism. As a rule, few understand that minimalism is the most expensive style, requiring good architecture, minimum decorations and very costly accents. The first version we showed her was in the style, which is called minimalism by the majority of people. “No! That’s not it! I want something truly minimalistic!” That was when the time came for us to be profoundly surprised… The second version received approval, and not only that of the client, for it won the title of the apartment of the year at the Interia Awards competition, which is one of the most esteemed design contests. Concrete, glass, Minotti furniture, Becker kitchen, Rimadesio doors. Modern and stylish, but definitely not to everyone’s taste.

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